The Game of Life

If you follow me on the 'gram (mom and dad, this is slang for Instagram), you're well aware I read a book called, The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn.

Life changing.

I had to re-read certain parts because it was written in 1925, and clearly the English language has changed

(to everyone younger than I am, I still don't get what "yeet" means), but it was still an amazing read.

I actually restarted the book (okay, it's only like 110 pages) because I wanted to master certain concepts.

What I initially planned on doing was giving you all a breakdown of the book.

I started that, and then this blog post became annoying long that I even didn't want to read it.

So, I backspaced for 10 minutes and picked one thing to start with.

What is the "Game"?

It's fundamentally circled around giving and receiving.

"Wow, Aly, what a groundbreaking concept none of us have ever heard before..." (insert eyeroll here).

Let me tell you, after you read this, you realize it's not as simple as just that, because you and your universe are one in the same although you might think of them as two separate entities.

What you give to the universe energetically, mentally, physically, verbally etc. is what the universe has and will always bring to you without fail.

If you send out a frequency of hate, the universe will grant you with hate

If you send out a frequency of cheating, the universe will find a way to cheat you

If you send out a frequency of love, you'll feel love all around you

If you send out a frequency of criticism, be prepared to feel criticized

Need I go on?

I should preface that when I say the word "frequency" above, I'm referring to speaking, thinking and feeling those emotions. It doesn't have to be an action.

What's funny, ironically, is even when you make jokes about something with a negative connotation, the universe doesn't know whether you're joking or sending out a command ("universe, I wish to be broke", or "haha I'm afraid to check my bank account"), it only brings about what you're focusing on

Keep that in mind the next time you're on social media. What are you constantly sending to friends as jokes, and what are they sending back to you? Memes about being broke, lonely, tired, miserable, etc. are coming back to you whether you intend it or not.

In today's day and age, people/the internet are notoriously funny for making jokes about what is lacking in life, not what they intend their life to look like which is harming your subconscious.

Don't get me wrong, I laugh at it too. A LOT. Like, A LOT.

BUT! A few weeks ago, when I heard Amanda Frances say something about how joking about lack isn't as cute and funny as we think, a tiny (okay, a LARGE) lightbulb went off.

The more we talk, joke, and think that way, the more we unintentionally bring it into our universe.

So, what have I done to fix that?

I've become VERY aware of what I'm looking at when I'm scrolling, sharing with friends and followers, energetically allowing people to send me, and disengaging when people bring up any mention of lack.

What I've been doing now is, I'll call it, "living intentionally".

I don't want to lie to anyone (I was never a good liar - you'll never see me playing poker), because I don't want to be lied to.

I don't want to wish anyone ill-will no matter how badly they've wronged me, because I don't want it brought upon myself.

I don't want to judge anyone, because I don't want to be judged.

And the list goes on...

Well, when you feel those negative emotions, what do you do?

Put that negative thought or emotion on a train and wave to it from the station as it leaves, vacuum it, erase it, hit the backspace button, push it up to the sky - whatever you have to do to get it out of your universe!

So, the quick and dirty answer to what the "Game" is it's all about what you put out into the universe, because what you send out is exactly what comes to you.

Remember the genie in Aladdin?

"Your wish is my command."


  1. Identify one area of your life that's not going as well as you hoped

  2. For one week, only speak, think and journal positive affirmations on this topic

  3. Any time a negative thought comes into your mind, throw it away (wave good-bye, vacuum it, erase it, slam dunk it into the garbage, etc)

  4. After a week, journal around how that area of your life has changed - compare and contrast from the first journal entry

Ready, set... GO!


Debt, Schmebt...


Out Of The Closet