Debt, Schmebt...

If you're anything like me, you've found yourself with a little bit of financial debt.

I've hated it, I've been indifferent about it, I've ignored it... but I've mostly just hated it

Which is probably why I've attracted more than I intended.

This year, I proclaimed, would be the year of financial freedom and abundance, so I've decided to eliminate debts and focus solely on attracting more money.

They debts aren't serving me anymore, and frankly, I'm tired of it.

Aren't you?

Needless to say, without getting into the exact details of the "how" of it all, I've created a basic plan on how I would like it to all happen.

Afterall, the universe always has my best interest at heart, so if it has an even better plan for me, I'm going to let it present itself and surprise me like it always does!

But it was funny, I was listening to a module today in the Holiday Bundle created by Amanda Frances, and of course the topic of debt came up. Why wouldn't it? I've put it in my universe, remember?

I love the way she was talks about debt because she describes it in a way that doesn't make me feel badly, and I feel it's a philosophy I want to carry in my life forever.

She describes debt as not being a good or bad thing; it's a choice. It's a decision we've made.

If you have debt, no matter the size, you've made the decision to purchase something with the freedom to pay it off in smaller increments.

Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't seem so bad, right?

The way I live my life, I don't want to miss anything.

I want to take the trips.

I want to eat at the restaurants.

I want to drink the good drinks.

I want to have the experiences.

I don't ever sit around and wait for life to happen to me.

How is that fun, like, at all?

A coworker of mine said they would rather have a skinny month financially and make a beautiful memory than say they can't afford it and miss the experience.


With that mindset, some debt has accumulated, but I wouldn't trade in any of my experiences.

I'm happy I've had those experiences, and I hope you've had some great ones too.

Energetically, what I'm working on now is simply attracting more money.

The more money I attract, the more than money I can happily pay down my debts with ease.

I know with the law of the universe and the law of attraction that if I keep focusing on debt, whether it's loving it, hating it, wanting to pay it down... the universe is going to be sending me "more debt".

The key thing to remember in this is to focus on the abundance. The flow of prosperity. The financial gifts coming my way.

To focus on the "lack", meaning "I need to pay this down because I can't afford XYZ", well then, the universe says, "your wish is my command. You cannot afford XYZ because of your debt. And by the way, here's more debt!"

So, with a new plan in place, I've broken it down into manageable, basic steps, but also allow the universe to show me other options that may suit me better.

For example:

I have a credit card with a relatively low balance. I use it for purchasing work products (being an Esthetician, you constantly need products to work on your clients and for retail if that's your jam).

With that in mind, I have it set up to pay that one first.


Because it feels good to me being lower. It feels more attainable just starting off, and I'm not going to be guided to do something wrong, right universe?

With the X amount of dollars on it, I'm giving myself X number of payments to have it paid off.

Because I've said that, because I've declared it, and because I know it's true, I know that this will happen with ease all thanks to the universe.

What do I proclaim to the universe?

Universe, this credit card is free and clear. It will be done in X time. Thank you for providing me with the resources I need, and the ease in which this is happening.

Afterall, the universe knows the quickest, easiest way to get us exactly what we ask for.

So, if you're looking for more financial freedom this year like I am, try this with me, and let's see what the universe surprises us with!


  1. If you have debt that you want paid off, especially if it doesn't seem feasible, identify it.

  2. Tell the universe you are financially free of this debt. And believe it.

  3. Tell the universe you are allowing the debt to be eliminated the quickest, easiest way it knows how (you don't need to know the "how").

  4. Follow and/or acknowledge any hunches or gifts you may get that allow you pay it down (earning extra money, a gift, a bonus, using points, etc. - let the universe show you what it comes up with).

  5. Tell the universe a desired time frame that YOU BELIEVE to be true and can get behind (if you tell the universe you want it paid off tomorrow, but don't believe there's a shot in hell that would ever happen, guess what... "your wish is my command." it will never happen).

  6. Have fun and enjoy that financial freedom you've been asking for - this is your sign!


Work Life Balance


The Game of Life