The Motivation

You know when you get into that routine in life; the unmotivating one where you feel like you’ve completely fallen off course?

Well, that’s where I’ve been.

Let’s be clear, when I say routine, I’m clearly referring to “rut”. 

Truthfully, there’s been no real reason either! It’s just those seasons that come through where you’re like, 

“Damn, I’m just so unmotivated, and there’s nothing I can do to help myself.”

And then you notice most people around you are feeling the same way…

So then now it’s just you and your peeps talking about how unmotivated you are and no one is helping the situation?

My mom would call that having her “planets out of whack”.

Has anyone else’s planets been feeling out of whack? Hah!

So needless to say, I’M BACK, BABY!

After what feels like having ZERO motivation this entire summer to better myself or my business, my peeps came through and gave me the nudge I needed. 

I’ve been having all these thoughts about what I want to do and how I’d like to do them, but nothing has been coming to fruition. I haven’t had the positive energy behind them, and I haven’t had the drive. 


But this week… she was a beauty! Everything I’ve been envisioning slowly came together. 

Over the course of a week, the salon squad that I’m so fortunate to be a part of held a last minute staff meeting which was the kick start I needed to get the ball rolling. Let’s be honest, it helped the entire team get that fire up their ass again. When that happens, we all come alive, and it’s been so great!

Sometimes all you need is for your people to get behind you and give you the nudge you need. And this was the nudge (literal push)  I needed. 

The salon came up with so many great ideas to help us level up as a company as well as individually (as many of you know, we’re all independently owned), which helped us all want to be better at what we do and who we are as professionals.

Within a week I:

Redecorated my entire spa room (such a vibe)

Purchased a new table/bed that now has hydraulics (woop woop!) and allows me to raise and lower the bed and lift up the top half so my clients can sit upright for brow services

Created a work space in our office at home that specifically allows me to come home and do all my back-end work (yes, we independent contractors have hours of this a week outside of what we do in the salon all day)

AND I FINALLY signed up for the Microneedling course I’ve been going back and forth on taking for yyyeeaaarrsss!


I’ve been getting my mojo back to utilize social media as a marketing tool versus a time waster (we all feel that way from time to time), I’ve been partnering with co-workers to come up with holiday bundles and packages for all of you, and thinking of ways to make sure that I’m giving all of my clients 150% with each service.

Afterall, Luce Salon + Spa is a luxury salon, and we want to keep it that way. 

I have to tell you, surrounding yourself with people that always want to do better and be better is the greatest tool at your disposal, but also the greatest gift. 

Shoutout to all my amazingly beautiful, talented, insanely intelligent business owners and the most positive group of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

And to all my clients old and new (I can’t wait to meet my new clients who I can feel are coming), I hope you can sense the passion behind what I do, and know that my soul purpose behind being your favorite esthetician is being able to help you feel beautiful: inside and out.



High Vibes Only (at Luce Salon & Spa)