High Vibes Only (at Luce Salon & Spa)

A shorty, but a goodie.

I’m slowly teaching people around me how to manifest anything they desire and what it means to be the creator in your universe.

I do truly believe, however, that there are some things that come from the divine that we don’t have complete control over.

What those things are, I don’t know, but I do know for certain that there are many things in life we can create for ourselves and it all circles around energy.

I’ve been trying to help my friends and family, and I guess complete strangers too because I don’t know who reads my blog (hi, friends!) how to shift their perspectives on things simply by starting with how they phrase things.

Like I’ve said over and over again, the universe is responding to your energy.

The other day at work, one of my coworkers had a client that really brought their mood (vibes) down.

This client talks about inappropriate things, they say inappropriate things, their energy is definitely at a low vibration which then brings my coworker to a lower vibration. (booooooo!)

And do we think they’re doing their best work whilst at a low vibration?


When this client left, my coworker felt a sense of relief but followed it up with,

“I know they’ll be back because they’re never happy and always have something to complain about no matter how hard I try or how good of a job I think I did.”

I smiled, but stopped them in their tracks and said,

“No, they won’t. You did an amazing job because you’re fantastic at what you do, and they love how you did their hair today.”

My worker’s face lit up and they said,

“You know what, you’re absolutely right. They loved their hair. They’re completely happy with it.”

They smiled, walked away, and went about the rest of their day not thinking of that client.

That simple affirmation they told themselves created a shift which turned into a beautiful, positive energy, allowing them to become a vibrational match with all good that were ready to come to them.

Later that evening my phone chimed. It was my coworker.

They sent a screenshot from that low vibe client that said how incredibly happy they were with their hair, and how this was the best appointment yet!

Okay, but are we surprised?!

I immediately messaged my coworker back to remind them of how we shifted their phrasing earlier which changed their negative energy to a positive energy creating a high vibration to attract more positivity to what is in beautiful alignment with them.

Read that again though. I'll wait.

Let me be very clear though.

I work with THE most talented, hard-working, creative artists in the business, and they make me want to be better every single day. (Love you guys!)

That self-doubt my coworker felt wasn’t something they truly thought to be true about themselves.

That client’s low vibration brought my coworker down to a low vibrational state with them which caused them to anticipate and expect the worst. (Um, gross.)

This is something we often times unintentionally allow people to do which we all need to work on.

We, in the spiritual world, refer to these kinds of people as "energy vampires", but that may be a little too woo-woo for my beginners.


  1. What are some negative phrases you tell yourself often because you always expect it? (i.e. I’m always late. I’m always sick. I never get good parking. My boss hates me. I'm fat. etc.)

  2. Write out a list of how you hear them in your head (because the negativity isn’t you! You’re a positive-Polly!)

  3. Rephrase each sentence to become a positive (i.e. I’m always on time and it feels great! I’m happy that I have a strong immune system that allows me to heal. I love that I always get the perfect parking space. My boss is grateful to have a hard-working employee like me. My body is beautiful! etc.)

  4. Repeat these to yourself daily or whenever you feel them come up.

  5. Anytime you hear yourself say something negative about yourself, acknowledge it and change the phrasing immediately and feel your energy shift!

  6. Help your loved ones with this! We all know those people who need it!


The Motivation


A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes