The Master Manifester

I consider myself a master manifester.

I don't think I realized I was doing it until I tapped into the "woo" (see my first blog for definition), and I don't think you realize you do it too all the livelong day.

The most clearcut thing I manifested was my daily schedule. Like, really? My daily schedule? That's what I'm so excited about? Yes. The answer is yes.

My schedule is very important to me because having a sense of freedom in my daily life means everything.

Some people like having the comfortability of being told what their day-to-day looks like, but not me. That's torture.

(In my greatest Sophia voice from Golden Girls) Picture this. Chicago, 2014....

I used to have three roommates; one worked at a bar overnight, two of us worked your typical 9:00-5:00 (which felt more like 5:00-9:00), and the other... she had my dream schedule.

She would wake up organically as two of us were heading out the door (think around 6:30 - 7:00am), she would leisurely make coffee, breakfast and watch the news, go work out, her job didn't start till the late morning/early afternoon, and she would be done by the time we were all coming home.

I thought that was the dream.

I hated getting up to an alarm clock at 5:00am so I could take the very crowded, crabby, and most times sketchy L (the blue line, for you Chicagoans) downtown and walk in the snow alongside my fellow sleepyheads. I wanted to get up when my body told me to get up. I wanted to have breakfast at home and enjoy my morning coffee. I wanted to be able to work out before work because my body has no desire to go to the gym after a long day.

Anyway, her schedule was what I longed for.

As fate would have it, the universe said, "your wish is my command", as it always does.

Although it felt like a gut punch at the time, I was fired from my job after about a year of working there (the greatest thing that's ever happened to me), and I was forced to really look at my life and say, "Okay, Aly, we're pushing the life reset button right now. What are we going to do?"

Needless to say, I went back to school to become an esthetician (one of the greatest decisions of my life), and my daily routine completely changed.

I was thrown into the beauty industry where my schedule was changed forever.

At first, my schedule may not seem so glamorous because it started with me having to get up to go to school in the morning, but it wasn't at 5:00am, and it was to do something I was so excited about.

I would go to school in the morning, and then drive right to the salon where I was working the front desk.

After I got my esthetic license, I quit that front desk job (another blessing) and began working at the greatest salon I could have imagined for exactly what I needed at that time. A story for another time.

Not only was I licensed, but I was so happy to be working in this industry. I was around people all day who were happy to be coming somewhere to be pampered (who doesn't love a day at the salon?), I loved my coworkers, the salon owner gave me all the freedom and stability I needed to not only work for him at the front desk, but to build my solo business simultaneously.

Within a years' time I had my dream schedule.

I was waking up with the birds with no alarm clock, I was able to comfortably have breakfast, coffee, and walk my dog before work, I went to the salon from 12:00-7:00pm which gave me enough time in the evening to have a life with my then-boyfriend (now husband), and I couldn't have been happier.

As all of these steps were taking place, I wasn't seeing that my schedule was changing for exactly how I wanted it.

I was pissed I got fired (although internally jumping for joy)

I was rolling my eyes at the fact that I was back in school (although loving every second of it)

My ego was telling me it was ridiculous to be working the front desk at a salon (even though I was learning so much about how salons worked behind the scenes)

And I was all around out of my comfort zone (I wasn't able to see all the good that was happening around me)

It wasn't until a few months later that I had my "AH-HAH!" moment.

This is EXACTLY what I was asking for!

To this day, my schedule is one of the most important things in my life that I'm proud to say I have complete control over.

I wouldn't say I'm a control freak, but when it comes to my freedom, I need 100% control. So maybe I am?


  1. Now that I've shared something I unintentionally manifested, I want you to write down, share with me, or mentally acknowledge something that you either intentionally or unintentionally manifested and say, "thank you for having my back, universe!"

  2. Be intentional and write down something you HOPE to manifest that could make your life better.

  3. Design by physically writing down, drawing, or taking a picture of exactly what you hope to see your life like 6 months or a year from now.

And don't forget to have fun doing it!


What Do You Mean You Don't Eat No Meat?


The One Where Aly Gets A Blog